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Yup, you heard us right! We are excited to welcome award-winning paranormal investigator Morgan Knudsen to the 2018 Fall Edmonton Woman’s Show! After working with clients for 18 years, she began to recognize one consistent factor in haunted cases: Change your life, change your haunting.

Based on her Teaching The Living program, she puts the power back in the hands of the living by asking the hard questions and examining the phenomenon people are experiencing in an honest and effective way so there can be lasting change. This highly specialized approach to dealing with hauntings focuses on teaching people to understand what they experience in a haunting and in their life is directly related to their own state of being in the world, requiring them to examine their behaviour, state of mind, and to speak their own truth.

Join Morgan Knudsen as she presents “Change Your Life, Change Your Haunting” on the Main Stage! Stay tuned for stage times!


A bit more about Morgan Knudsen:

Morgan Knudsen has been involved in the world of paranormal phenomenon for over 18 years. She is the founder of Entityseeker Paranormal Research & Teachings, and along with Stephanie Wertz, founded the world-renowned Teaching the Living program for clients back in 2002. Knudsen brings classes and presentations on this phenomenon to a new level, and guides audiences to recognize that managing who they are on the inside directly impacts what they experience on the outside, and to re-examine the world they thought they knew.

Morgan has been featured on, and hosted, numerous specials and TV shows (The Discovery Channel, “A Haunting”, Travel & Escape, Destination America, CBC, CTV). Her programs are now practiced in 3 different countries, and a part of numerous social work and psychology secondary education courses in Edmonton. “Teaching the Living: From Heartbreak to Happiness in a Haunted Home” is now available on Amazon.

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