Did you know that 62,000 strokes happen in Canada each year, and that 19% of hospital intakes for stroke are for people between the ages of 20-59? It was a stat that shocked us! We are pleased to welcome Christine Holubec-Jackson– a stroke survivor – to share her story on the Main Stage, Saturday at the 2018 Fall Edmonton Woman’s Show. She will take us on her rollercoaster ride of recovery and acceptance after having a Pontine Hemorrhagic Stroke just before her 49th birthday.
Christine will talk about her stubbornness to accept what had happened, her feelings that had she lost part of her identity, and the lessons being a stroke survivor has taught her. Christine wrote a book about her journey, as well as started a podcast called 7 Jars of Hot Pickled Peppers. She is married, has 3 children, lives in central Alberta, and is part of Alberta’s strong group of women working in non-traditional roles with her position in a steel mill.
Christine Jackson – Journey Through Surviving a Stroke