Get Tickets See More FeaturesSometimes life takes us on some crazy journeys and Leanne Babcock – visionary, coach, international best-selling author, speaker and intuitive – is ready to share hers at the 2019 Spring Edmonton Woman’s Show! Leanne walked away from a successful and secure lifestyle, selling up her life in New Zealand after 29 years and moving back to Canada. She wrote a book, bought a truck camper and lived in it for 12 months touring from coast to coast with that first book: Open Me – the true story of a magical journey from fear to freedom. She wrote her second book while on tour which launched in March and has become an international best-seller! She did all of this guided by—an inner nudge.
Presentation Times: 2:00pm, April 13th and 3:00pm, April 14th.
Leanne has been running her own coaching and training business since 1993. She works with clients leading courses, retreats, and one-on-one coaching programs that shake up the roots of your soul and opening your mind, your spirit and your heart. Author of Open Me – the true story of a magical journey from fear to freedom and Real & Wild You – your daring and magical inner journey.
Trained in Transactional Analysis, hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Multiple Brain Integration Techniques, intuitive studies and shamanism, Leanne has worked extensively helping people to follow their deep inner calling, creating their own path. For more you can visit
Leanne Babcock – The Illogical, Unreasonable Entrepreneur