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Are your glasses a bit smudgy? Is there that one tiny screw that is rattling around that you’ve been meaning to fix? Stop by Pearle Vision’s booth at the 2019 Fall Edmonton Woman’s Show and they are going to help you out! They’ll be performing minor repairs, like tightening those itty bitty little screws that no one has a screwdriver for on your glasses, and also giving you glasses a good cleaning!

And for those of you who don’t wear glasses and think you have 20/20 vision…. Stop by and put it to the test! They’ll be doing vision screening all weekend long in their booth. This is not an eye test, but for those non-glasses wearers it’s a great test to see if you really do have 20/20 vision or if it might be time to go get those eyes checked!

Whether you have glasses now or might need them in the future, have some fun by trying on a variety of frames on site and see what would suite your face best for when you purchase your next pair!

Visit for more about them!

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