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We All Believe In You is a mental health awareness initiative led by local photographer Blake Loates, combining portraiture and storytelling to share the strength and hope of Edmontonians living with mental illness. It is a photographic examination of individuals who have courageously lived life with mental illness, with hope being their primary life saver.

Blake will be doing presentations about We All Believe in You each day at the Edmonton Woman’s Show.

We All Believe in You is a rapidly growing movement developed to destigmatize and  demystify mental illness. WABIY serves to put a face to a typically faceless struggle as many live in the shame and anonymity of their disease. It is the goal of WABIY to use art, honesty, education, and community  to abolish pre-existing ideas and beliefs about mental illness. And above all, for those that are struggling with mental illness to know that they are not alone and We All Believe in You.

To see the stage schedule, click here.